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December 07, 2010

How to be a prolific blogger by Marko Saric

When I posted my plan for a guest posting blitz: 20 posts in 30 days, Marko actually replied saying that it was an aggressive goal and offered me an invite to post here.

So, I thought what better to write about than how I can continually generate massive amounts of content. Since starting my blog I’ve consistently published between 5-7 posts a week. So, I figured it’s time to answer the question, “How do you come up with so much content?”

  • Write every day

Notice that I didn’t put post every day. I said “write” every day. Writing is like any other skill. The more you do it, the better you are going to get at it. I do a little bit of writing every single day on some idea I have for a blog post. At any one time I might have 10 or so different ideas for posts, and be working on 3-4.

  • Consciously look for ideas

As I go through my life, I will often look for experiences that I could turn into a blog post. Sometimes simply asking myself the question “How can I turn this into a blog post?” will enable me to come up with the idea I need for my next post.

  • Brainstorm

At all times, you should have either a notebook, text document, or just a simple list of of ideas for blog posts. Even if you don’t know what the content of the post will be and the idea seems half baked, write it down. I have ideas for blog posts that I came up with a month ago and I still haven’t written them.

  • Psycho Cybernetics problem solving

I know that’s a mouthful. One thing I learned from Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s book is the idea of our subconscious problem solving mechanism. You can actually give your subconsciousness instructions to solve a problem before you go to sleep and in the morning you will wake up with the solution. It sounds nuts, but I’ve found it to be quite effective for coming up with blog post ideas.

So how do you do this? It’s pretty simple actually. Before you go to sleep, just tell yourself “I need an idea for a new blog post.” Do this right before you are about to fall asleep. Then when you wake up in the morning you’ll have an idea.

  • Posts/Comments on other blogs

I come up with a lot of ideas for posts when I read people’s comments on other blogs. Sometimes a reader will make a comment or ask a question about the post I’m reading, so I just write a blog post about it. Again it comes down to asking yourself the question, “How can I make a blog post out of that?”

  • Go off topic

Maybe you have a good story that has nothing do with the content of your blog? Turn it into a blog post. You’ll be surprised at how engaging people find your content.

If there’s anybody who actually does a great job of taking every day life experiences that seem completely ordinary and turnes them into awesome blog posts, it’s Kelly Diels. She managed to take a conversation about some t-shirt she bough her boyfriend, write a blog post about it, make a product out of it, and sell two t-shirts.

Developing momentum

All of this comes down to developing momentum. Once you hit your stride, you’ll see that coming up with posts is not all that difficult. Finding the time to write all of them is really about effective time management. If you want to know how I manage my time check out my post on how to put your Wordpress blog on autopilot and hang out at the beach and my 6 tips for efficient blogging.

A guest post by Srinivas Rao, a personal development blogger, at The Skool of Life.

Image by Ajawin

I'm nominated in top 100 online marketers of 2009 - Click here to vote for me now! - Thanks, Marko Saric

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