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December 23, 2009

Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorney

There are many branches of law in the United States. Forinstance, civil law is the law as it pertains to personalrelationships, unions such as marriage, and interpersonalsituations such as personal injury cases. Criminal Law is thebranch of law that seeks to define crimes - what a crime is, whothe victim is, and who the perpetrator is. Criminal law can bedivided into two sections, each section involving specializedlawyers, criminal defense lawyers. The first type of criminallaw is criminal procedure. This subsection of criminal lawdefines how trials are to be conducted. Criminal procedure lawdictates how claims are to be investigated and outlines howevidence must be collected.

Criminal procedure aims to maintain an orderly legal system thatis most effective in the pursuit of justice in light of thetruth. Criminal Defense attorneys who specialize in criminalprocedure are very careful to review how evidence is collected.They will be very specific in regards to their client's rightand privileges under the law. A criminal defense attorney willensure that the ideal of "innocent until proven guilty" ismaintained through the investigation and presentation process.

The second type of criminal law is substantive. Substantivecriminal law focuses on crime and punishment. Criminal DefenseAttorneys involved in the substantive area of criminal law willbe working with individuals accused of a crime. They will beginwork when sought out by a client accused of a crime or appointedby the court, as in cases of financial need. Criminal defenseattorneys will meet with clients and hear the details of eventsfrom their point of view. Everything shared between a client andhis or her criminal defense attorney is confidential. A criminaldefense attorney will not turn a client in if the client admitsguilt, but will continue to help the client achieve success inthe courtroom.

A good criminal defense attorney understands that everything isrelative. The law is not black and white, but leaves a lot ofgray room for interpretation. A criminal defense attorney willgather all of the facts of the case, both from the client andfrom the state or federal investigators. Armed with the facts, acriminal defense attorney will begin to build a case thatpresents the client in the best possible light. IF the client isguilty, the criminal defense attorney will try to present thefacts of the case in such a way as to maintain a doubt of guilt.The jury, as the criminal defense attorney knows, is instructedthat a person on trial must be proven guilty and does not needto be proven innocent. They will begin to comb through possiblewitnesses and will divide witnesses into character witnesses andwitnesses to the actual events in question. A criminal defenseattorney knows that character witnesses to present the personstanding in trial in a good light will go a long way in theminds of jury members.

When a criminal defense attorney is defending a client, theywill also seek to ensure the punishment fits the crime if theirclient is found guilty. A criminal defense attorney will utilizerelativity to demand proportionality of punishment to crime intheir client's best interest. A criminal defense attorney standsby their client until the trial's end, ensuring the outcome isas favorable as possible for their client

December 17, 2009

materi 11 bank dan lembaga keuangan lainnya

BAB 11
A. Sewa Guna Usaha (Leasing)
1. Pengertian Sewa Guna Usaha
Pengertian dari sewa guna usaha adalah adanya hubungan antara
perusahaan leasing (lessor) dengan nasabah (lessee) dalam hal ketika lessee
membutuhkan jasa lessor untuk sewa guna barang yang dibutuhkan oleh lessee.
Sedangkan pengertian sewa guna usaha sesuai dengan keputusan Menteri
Keuangan No. 1169/KMK.01/1991 adalah kegiatan pembiayaan dalam bentuk
penyediaan barang modal, baik secara sewa guna usaha dengan hak opsi (finance
lease) maupun secara sewa guna usaha tanpa hak opsi (operating lease) utuk
digunakan oleh lessee selam jangka waktu tertentu berdasarkan pembayaran secara
berkala. Selanjutnya yang dimaksud dengan finance lease adalah kegiatan sewa
guna usaha di mana lessee pada akhir masa kontrak mempunyai hak opsi untuk
membeli objek sewa guna usaha berdasarkan nilai sisa yang disepakati. Sebaliknya
operating lease tidak memiliki hak opsi untuk membeli objek sewa guna usaha.
2. Kegiatan leasing
Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh sewa guna usaha menurut Surat Keputusan Menteri
Keuangan Nomor 1169/KMK.01/1991 tanggal 21 November 1991. Kegiatan
leasing dapat dilakukan dengan dua (dua) cara yaitu :
a. Melakukan sewa guna usaha dengan hak opsi bagi lessee (finance leasing)
Adapun kriteria untuk finance leasing apabila perusahaan leasing memenuhi
persyaratan sebagai berikut :
1.) Jumlah pembayaran sewaguna usaha dan selama masa sewa guna usaha
pertama kali, ditambah dengan nilai sisa barang yang dilease harus dapat
menutupi harga perolehan barang modal yang dileasekan dan keuntungan
bagi pihak lessor.
2.) Dalam perjanjian sewa guna uaha memuat ketentuan mengenai hak opsi
bagi lessee.
Kemudian di dalam prakteknya transaksi finance leasing dibagi lagi ke dalam
bentuk-bentuk sebagai berikut :
- Direct finance lease
nama lain dari transaksi ini adalah true lease, di mana dalam transaksi ini
pihak lessor membeli barang modal atas permintaan lessee dan sekaligus
menyewagunakan barng tersebut kepada lessee. Oleh karena itu proses
pembelian yang dilakukan lessor hanyalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
pihak lessee.
- Sales and lease back
Prose ini dilakukan dimana pihak lessee menjual barang modalnyakepada
lessor untuk dilakukan kontrak sewa guna usaha atas barang tersebut, yaitu
anta lessee dan lessor, hal ini dilakuakn bila lessee membutuhkan modal
b. Melakukan sewa guna usaha tanpa hak opsi (operating lease)
Berikut krietaria untuk operating lease :
- Jumlah pembayaran selama masa leasing pertama tidak dapat memenuhi
harga perolehan barang modal yang dileasekan ditambah keuntungan bagi
pihak lessor.
- Di dalam perjanjian leasing tidak memuat mengenai hak opsi bagi lessee.
2. Perjanjian Leasing
perjanjian yang dibuat antara lessor dengan lease disebut dengan “lease
agrement”, di mana di dalam perjanjian tersebut memuat kontrak kerja bersyarat
antara kedua belah pihak, yaitu antara lessor dan lessee. Isi kontrak tersebut
memuat antara lain :
a. Nama dan alamat lease
b. Jenis barang modal yang diinginkan
c. Jumlah atau nilai barang yang dileasingkan
d. Syarat-syarat pembayaran
e. Syarat-syarat kepemilikan atau syarat lainnya
f. Biaya-biaya yang dikenakan
g. Sangsi-sangsi apabila lessee ingkar janji
Jika seluruh pesyaratan telah disetujui, maka pihak lessor akan menghubungi
pihak asuransi untuk menanggung resiko kemacetan pembayaran lessee.
B. Anjak Piutang
Bidang usaha Anjak piutang secara bisnis termasuk sebagai salah satu jenis
usaha pembiayaan. Sejak pasca krisis ekonomi mulai tahun 1998, Anjakpiutang
mengalami pertumbuhan yang lambat dibandingkan dengan jenis pembiayaan
multifinance lainnya yang lebih mengandalkan 'security dari barang yang dibiayai.
Hal ini disebabkan adanya perbedaan mengenai 'security, karena Anjak-piutang
yang mengandalkan pembayaran atas tagihan piutang dagang memang secara
teknis risikonya dianggap lebih tinggi ketimbang jenis usaha pembiayaan lainnya.
asal-muasal lahimya lembaga factoring. Lembaga hukum yang dimaksud
itu mampu mengatasi "'problem cash Flow”. Dikenal pertama kali di Negara yang
menganut Common Law System, yakni Amerika Serikat dan Inggris. Bentuk dari
suatu transaksi bisnis yang menjembatani permasalahan tersebut adalah transaksi
Factoring yang dikemas dalam Factoring Agreement. Salah satu literatur hukum
dari jurisprudensi Amerika dan Inggris, seperti yang ditulis oleh ahli hukum
terkenal Henry Campbell Black dalam bukunya Black's Law Dictionary tentang
terminology factoring adalah “Sale of accounts receivable of a fine to a factor at a
discounted price. The purchase of accounts receivable from business by a factor,
who thereby assumes the risk of loss in return for some agreed discount" Dikutip
dalam perkara Manhattan Factoring vs Orsbum. And A system involving notice to
the trade debtors, di mulai dari industry textile lihat perkara Corn Exchange Nat.
Bank & Trust Co., Philadelphia vs. Klauder. Adapun hubungan bisnis dan
pergaulan bisnis yang meluas itu telah memberikan pengaruh dan dikenalnya sitem
factoring dikalangan pelaku bisnis. Meskipun factoring itu sendiri tidak dikenal
dalam Civil Law System yang dianut di Indonesia. Namun atas permintaan dan
memenuhi keinginan pelaku bisnis melalui 'pekerjaan' para "Lawyer/Drafter”
untuk dibuatlah Factoring Agreement yang dapat dipakai di Indonesia, di mana
dasar hukum yang utama adalah azas kebebasan berkontrak, yakni pasal 1338 ayat
1 BW.
Pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalam kegiatan Anjak-piutang adalah :
1. Factor adalah kreditur baru yang mengambil-alih atau membeli tagihan piutang
2. Klien adalah perusahaan selaku kreditur awal yang menjual dan menyerahkan
piutang dagang yang berupa tagihan jangka pendek yang berasal dari transaksi
dagang miliknya melalui suatu perjanjian (Factoring Agreement);
3. Konsumen adalah pihak tertarik yang wajib membayar hutang dagangnya
yang telah dialihkan oleh klien kepada pihak factor pada saat jatuh temponya.
Penerapan hukum Anjak-piutang menurut pendapat majelis hakim pengadilan
niaga di Indonesia, seperti dalam penelitian terhadap 7 putusan majelis hakim
dalam perkara permohonan pailit menunjukkan perbedaan di dalam
menafsirkan dan memahami pengertian dan konsep hukum Anjakpiutang, baik
sebagai utang atau sebagai pembelian piutang. Yang mencolok di antaranya
ada 1(satu) putusan mengenai pembelian piutang dalam perkara PT. Batara
Intemasional Finansindo (PT. BIF) mengajukan permohonan pailit terhadap
PT. Gabus Putih Indah (PT. GPI) atas dasar Perjanjian Factoring.
Putusan ini memuat pertimbangan ratio hukum Anjak piutang mendasarkan
pada Keputusan Menteri Keuangan, yaitu dibuktikan adanya keterlibatan tiga
pihak, yaitu factor sebagai pembeli piutang(PT. BIF), klien sebagai penjual
piutang(PT. GPI), dan yang terakhir adalah konsumen atau pelanggan yang
wajib membayar piutang tersebut. Hubungan hukum dalam Factoring ini
menurut pendapat majelis hakim, bahwa walaupun tennuat klausula recourse
yang tetap membebankan risiko kegagalan membayar kepada klien, namun
disisi lain juga membatasi kewenangan hukum klien untuk menagih kepada
konsumen. Dalam hal ini kewenangan menagih tetap pada factor, kecuali
secara tertulis factor meminta klien untuk melakukan penagihan. Kegagalan
PT. BIF melakukan pemindahan hak tagih yang pantas dari PT.BIF sebagai
factor kepada PT. GPI sebagai klien bukanlah obyek utang dad PT. BIF kepada
Pertimbangan Majelis Kasasi dalam perkara PT. BIF dengan PT. GPI yang
termuat dalam memori kasasi, diantaranya menyebutkan, bahwa Judex Factie
tidak salah menerapkan hukum dan dasar pengakuan utang adalah perjanjian
Anjak-piutang yang menurut pendapat hukum dad Majelis Kasasi perjanjian
tersebut tidak ada di karenakan PT. BIF dan PT. GPI telah sepakat
mengakhiri perjanjian Anjak-piutang, sedangkan status hubungan diantara
debitur dan kreditur tidaklah dapat dibuktikan secara sederhana, sehingga
penyelesaian sengketa ini haruslah diajukan ke Pengadilan Negeri.
Ruang lingkup Anjak-piutang diperkenalkan lewat lembaga pembiayaan. Oleh
karenanya nuansa dan karakter pembiayaan sangat mewarnai hubungan yang
tercipta di dalam lembaga Anjak-piutang di Indonesia. Karakter pembiayaan
erat kaitannya dengan hubungan utang-piutang. Konsep utang piutang terdapat
dua sisi produk perbuatan, yaitu utang dan piutang. Utang adalah produk
perbuatan dari sisi pihak yang memperoleh pinjaman sejumlah uang,
sedangkan piutang adalah produk perbuatan dilihat dari sisi pihak yang
memberi pinjaman sejumlah uang. Sifat pembiayaan ini menyebabkan adanya
unsur biaya bunga sebagai pengganti diskonto dan adanya limit(plafond) kredit
yang diperjanjikan dan adanya sifat retensi. Di dalam praktek perbankan, pihak
pemberi pinjaman dan pihak penerima pinjaman atau peminjam yang dikemas
dalam suatu perjanjian kredit yang merupakan perjanjian pokok dan biasanya
diikuti dengan perjanjian jaminan. Perjanjian pokok yang dimaksud lebih
dikenal sebagai Perjanjian Kredit untuk meMbiayai Piutang Dagang (Account
Receivable(AR) Financing Program). Perkembangan selanjutnya Anjak
piutang, berupa model percampuran, dimana bentuk pembiayaan bersama-sama
dengan pembelian dan pengalihan berada dalam satu pengertian Anjak-piutang.
Kelembagaan pembiayaan, dan pembelian tersebut dalam khasanah hukum
Indonesia masing-masing mempunyai dasar-hukum. Untuk itu diperlukan
interpretasi sistematis terhadap suatu undang-undang sebagai bagian dan
keseluruhan sistem perundang-undangan dengan jalan menghubungkan dengan
undang undang lain.
C. Modal Ventura
1. Pengertian Modal Ventura
Pengertian modal ventura sesuai dengan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 61
Tahun 1988 adalah “Badan usaha yang melakukan suatu pembiayaan dalam bentuk
penyertaan modal ke dalam suatu perusahaan yang menerima bnatuan
pembiayaan.” Modal ventura adalah perusahaan yang memberikan pembiayaan
dengan cara melakukan penyertaan langsung ke dalam perusahaan yang dibiayai,
dan keuntungan dari modal ventura berupa deviden atau capital gain.
2. Tujuan Pendirian Modal Ventura
Tujuan dari perusahaan ini tidaklah hanya demi keuntungan semata namun juga
membantu pemerintah dan piahk yng ingin membangun atau mendirikan sebuah
usaha, berikut adalah beberapa tujuan pendirian modal ventura :
a. Untuk mengembangkan suatu proyek tertentu, misalnya proyek penelitian,
dimana proyek ini bukan hanya untuk meraih keuntungan semata tetapi juga
untuk pengembangan pengetahuan.
b. Pengembangan suatu teknologi baru atau penegmbangan produk baru.
c. Pengambilalihan kepemilikan suatu perusahaan
d. Kemitraan dalam rangka pengentasan kemiskinan, dalam hal ini modal ventura
membantu pengusaha lemah yang kekurangan modal akan tetapi tidak
memiliki jaminan materi sehingga sulit memperoleh pinjaman.
e. Membantu perusahaan yang sedang kekurangan likuiditas.
3. Jenis Pembiayaan Modal Ventura
Jenis-jenis pembiayaan perusahaan modal ventura adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Equity Financing
Merupakan jenis pembiayaan langsung. Dalam hal ini perusahaan modal
ventura melakukan penyertaan langsung pada perusahaan pasangan usaha
(PPU) dengan cara mengambil bagian dari sejumlah saham milik PPU.
b. Semi Equity Financial
Merupakan pembiayaan dengan membeli obligasi konversi yang diterbitkan
oleh perusahaan PPU.
c. Mendirikan perusahaan baru
Dalam hal ini perusahaan modal ventura bersama-sama dengan PPU
mendirikan usaha yang baru sama sekali.
d. Bagi hasil
Merupakan pembiayaan kepada usaha kecil yang belum memiliki bentuk badan
hukum perseroan terbatas, namun dapat pula perusahaan yang berbentuk PT,
apabila kedua belak pihak menyetujuinya.
4. Perkembangan Modal Ventura
Modal ventura adalah perusahaan yang berani melakukan investasi dimana
Di antara sekian banyak perusahaan modal ventura yang tumbuh dan tenggelam,
keberadaan perusahaan bentukan pemerintah yakni PT Bahana Arta Ventura
(BAV) plus 26 perusahaan modal ventura daerah (PMVD) cukup berperan
membantu perkembangan UKM.
Sejarah perkembangan perusahaan modal ventura di Indonesia cukup
panjang kendati relatif masih muda dibandingkan sejarah kehadiran lembaga
serupa di luar negeri. Perusahaan modal ventura diawali dengan pembentukan
BUMN PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia (BPUI). Lalu, pada tahun 1973,
BPUI mendirikan PT Bahana Artha Ventura (BAV) yang sahamnya 100% dimiliki
oleh BPUI. Namun menyangkut kinerja agaknya masih jauh dari yang diharapkan,
perusahaan modal ventura kurang berkembang. Pembiayaan PMVD berdasarkan
sektor-sektor persentase
Industri 15%
Perdagangan 23%
Pertanian 19%
Home industri 1%
Jasa 4 2%
Sumber: BAV, 2003
Karena itu pada 1988 pemerintah meluncurkan ketentuan baru-bagian dari
reformasi finansial-yang memungkinkan lahirnya perusahaan sejenis milik swasta,
baik swasta nasional maupun usaha patungan dengan asing di Jakarta maupun di
Akhirnya beberapa perusahaan modal ventura saat itu mulai hadir a.l. PT BNJI
(perusahaan patungan Bank BNI dengan Nomura Jaffco) serta perusahaan
patungan PT Danareksa dengan perusahaan Jepang dan Brunei Darussalam. Selain
itu, berbagai grup perusahaan besar juga ikut mendirikan divisi perusahaan modal
Namun tidak sedikit perusahaan swasta gulung tikar akibat usahanya yang
tidak lagi menguntungkan akibat kesalahan investasi, kesulitan permodalan, hingga
bangkrutnya perusahaan pasangan usaha (PPU) akibat krisis. Menurut sumber
Bisnis di Departemen Keuangan, krisis ekonomi sejak 1997 memberi kontribusi
gulung tikarnya usaha sebagian perusahaan modal ventura swasta. Selain ada yang
diam-diam tidak aktif, beberapa perusahaan minta kepada Depkeu untuk mencabut
izin usahanya. "Sistem penyampaian pelaporan lembaga keuangan ini memang
tidak seketat sistem perbankan," ujar sumber tadi. Paling tidak, ada dua faktor yang
menyebabkan perusahaan-perusahaan 'pelat merah' itu sampai kini mampu
bertahan. Kemampuan modal dan pendanaan yang cukup memadai serta bidikan
pembiayaan yang fokus pada usaha kecil. Dilihat dari besar nominal, modal
masing-masing PMVD separuhnya di atas angka Rp3 miliar, cukup besar bagi
sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan di daerah yang membidik usaha kecil, bahkan
mikro. Dari keseluruhan modal setiap PMVD, kontribusi BAV cukup bervariasi.
PT Sarana Sumatra Selatan Ventura misalnya, kontribusi BAV terhadap
keseluruhan modal Rp7,08 miliar atau 21%, sementara pada PT Sarana Nusa
Tenggara Timur Ventura mencapai 87% dari keseluruhan modal Rp3 triliun.
Dengan kebutuhan pembiayaan rata-rata hanya Rp100 juta, setiap PMVD paling
tidak sudah mampu membiayai sekurangnya 30 PPU. Belum lagi suntikan dana
dari JEXIM (Japan Export - Import Bank) yang cukup signifikan sejak Maret 1997.
Berdasarkan catatan Bisnis, pinjaman lunak yang dicanangkan Presiden Soeharto
pada saat itu berjumlah Y14 miliar atau senilai Rp21 miliar dengan kurs pada 1997
dengan sasaran utama kalangan UKM yang memiliki prospek ekspor dan padat
Sekadar diketahui, jangka pinjaman tersebut berakhir hingga 2000. Namun
karena alasan kebutuhan tenggang waktu pelunasan itu diperpanjang hingga
Desember tahun ini. JEXIM mengenakan bunga 6,5%, sementara BAV
menyalurkannya kepada PMVD dengan bunga 8,5%. Ketua Asosiasi Perusahaan
Modal Ventura Daerah (PMVD) Yopie S. Batubara mengatakan nilai pinjaman
JEXIM saat ini tercatat sekitar Rp1,2 triliun dan sudah mulai diangsur melalui
BAV. Kalangan PMVD agaknya sangat tertolong dengan suntikan dana tersebut.
Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan jumlah PPU maupun nilai investasi yang
meningkat tajam sejak 1997. Bila pada 1996 kemampuan BAV dan PMVD baru
mampu membiayai 558 unit PPU dengan total investasi Rp3,7 miliar maka akhir
tahun berikutnya sudah tercatat 1.481 unit PPU dengan nilai investasi Rp227,34
Dari sisi jumlah maupun nilai investasi, jumlah tersebut terus bertambah banyak
sampai akhir 2002 dengan jumlah PPU 7.382 unit dan investasi Rp1,43 triliun,
namun rata-rata penyertaan bervariasi Pada tahun pertama, rata-rata investasi
perusahaan modal ventura daerah tersebut mencapai Rp168 juta dan meningkat
187 juta pada 1995, setahun berikutnya rata-rata penyertaan menurun menjadi
Rp86 juta dan 1997 sekitar Rp89 juta. Semakin kecilnya rata-rata penyertaan pada
perusahaan mitra bisa menunjukkan bahwa PPU yang digandeng menjadi pasangan
usaha adalah perusahaan skala kecil atau bahkan mikro.
Hal ini juga bisa menunjukkan strategi perusahaan modal ventura untuk
melakukan diversifikasi risiko pembiayaan karena semakin banyak PPU dengan
nilai investasi yang semakin kecil terjadi penyebaran risiko. Faktor inilah agaknya
menjadi salah satu penentu kemampuan perusahaan modal ventura 'pelat merah'
mampu bertahan bahkan cenderung berkembang di tengah ambruknya sebagian
perusahaan yang tidak tahan krisis. Apalagi secara umum, perusahaan skala mikro,
kecil dan menengah (UMKM) kenyataannya mampu membuktikan diri sebagai
entitas bisnis yang tahan krisis.Pendanaan terancam
Di saat perusahaan modal ventura mampu menunjukkan kemampuannya menjadi
mitra bagi UMKM, mereka ternyata cukup khawatir akibat jangka waktu pinjaman
JEXIM segera berakhir. Apalagi sejauh ini belum ada sumber dana pengganti.
Tentu saja, seiring ditariknya dana tersebut kemampuan pendanaan
perusahaan modal ventura pemerintah semakin lemah. Bahkan, menurut Komisaris
BAV Hendi Kariawan, pada 2004 perusahaan-perusahaan modal ventura
diperkirakan tidak bisa membiayai PPU baru dan sekadar menjadi kolektor
penyertaan. Berbagai upaya telah ditempuh, termasuk desakan kepada Menkeu
untuk meminta JEXIM melakukan rescheduling pinjaman tersebut. Bukan karena
bermasalah, tapi lagi-lagi faktor kebutuhan pembiayaan. "Ini harus dilakukan bila
pemerintah masih menginginkan perusahaan pembiayaan yang dirintis sejak 1991
tersebut tetap bisa membiayai kalangan UKM," ujar Ketua APMVD Yopie S.
Batubara. Desakan agar pemerintah menjadwal ulang pinjaman tersebut, menurut
dia, semata untuk mempertahankan usaha PMVD yang sudah didukung sistem
yang mapan itu bisa tetap berjalan baik. Bila tidak, tambah Sekjen APMVDI
Wahyono, krisis pendanaan tersebut mengancam kelangsungan hidup PMVD
hanya sampai 2004. Bila sampai tahun itu tidak mendapatkan pinjaman lunak
maka diperkirakan mereka hanya melakukan fungsi collecting. investasi tersebut
mengandung resiko yang tinggi.

December 10, 2009

how to become rich

Lesson 1: Choose Your Grandparents Carefully
Sequoia National Park, California

"There are three ways to make money. You can inherit it. You can marry it. You can steal it."
-- conventional wisdom in Italy

William Henry Gates III made his best decision on October 28, 1955, the night he was born. He chose J.W. Maxwell as his great-grandfather. Maxwell founded Seattle's National City Bank in 1906. His son, James Willard Maxwell was also a banker and established a million-dollar trust fund for William (Bill) Henry Gates III.

In some of the later lessons, you will be encouraged to take entrepreneurial risks. You may find it comforting to remember that at any time you can fall back on a trust fund worth many millions of 1998 dollars.
Lesson 2: Choose Your Parents Carefully
Redwood. King's Canyon National Park, California.

"A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, "Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel. I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents. The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at 5 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I'd accumulated a fortune of $1.37. Then my wife's father died and left us two million dollars."

William Henry Gates, Jr. and Mary Maxwell were among Seattle's social and financial elite. Bill Gates, Jr. was a prominent corporate lawyer while Mary Maxwell was a board member of First Interstate Bank and Pacific Northwest Bell. She was also on the national board of United Way, along with John Opel, the chief executive officer of IBM who approved the inclusion of MS/DOS with the original IBM PC.

Remind your parents not to send you to public school. Bill Gates went to Lakeside, Seattle's most exclusive prep school where tuition in 1967 was $5,000 (Harvard tuition that year was $1760). Typical classmates included the McCaw brothers, who sold the cellular phone licenses they obtained from the U.S. Government to AT&T for $11.5 billion in 1994. When the kids there wanted to use a computer, they got their moms to hold a rummage sale and raise $3,000 to buy time on a DEC PDP-10, the same machine used by computer science researchers at Stanford and MIT.

Note: Recall that in the 1980s we venerated Donald Trump and studied his "art of the deal". If Donald Trump had taken the millions he inherited from his father and put it all into mutual funds, you'd never have had to suffer through one of his books. But he'd be just about as rich today.
Lesson 3: Acquire Research Results by Hiring and Buying
Cows and Church. Tingstade (northern Gotland). Conventional (loser) economic wisdom holds that monopolies should spend heavily on research because they are in a position to capture the fruits of the research. But if you want to become as rich as Bill Gates, you have to remember that it is cheaper to wait for a small company to come up with something good and then buy them. In the old days, antitrust laws kept monopolies from buying potential competitors. But not anymore. When Microsoft products were threatened by network computers and Web-based applications, they simply bought WebTV and Hotmail.

Another good strategy is to hire the right people. Some of the guys who wrote Microsoft Windows had previous worked on window systems at Xerox PARC. So Xerox paid for the research; Microsoft paid only for development.

In the long run a tech company without research probably can't sustain its market leadership. So you'll eventually need to build something like (check out to see some interesting online community research).
Lesson 4: Let Other People Do the Programming
South Island, New Zealand If you're a great engineer, it can be frustrating to rely on other people to translate your ideas into reality. However, keep in mind that the entire Indian subcontinent is learning Java. And that if Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, and Sun products simply worked and worked simply, half of the world's current IT workers would be out of a job. You're not going to get rich being "just a coder." Especially working in painful low-level imperative languages such as C or Java. It might be worth writing your own SQL queries and HTML pages since these tend to be compact and easier than precisely specifying the work for another person to do. But basically you need to get good at thinking about whether a piece of software is doing something useful for the adopting organization and end-user. Bill Gates does code reviews, not coding.

[If you aren't sure that you need to be filthy rich and like to do some coding, see this old misguided article for more about what it might mean to be a great software engineer.]
Lesson 5: Train your new CEO
Garden. Getty Center. Los Angeles, California. If you're an intelligent curious person it can be painful to run a company of more than 50 people. You spend more time than you'd like repeating yourself, sitting in boring meetings, skimming over long legal documents in which you know there are errors but aren't sure how serious, etc. The temptation is to hand over the reins to the first "professional manager" who comes along. And that's what the standard venture capitalist formula dictates. But Bill Gates didn't do that. He hired Steve Ballmer in 1980 and gave him the CEO job 20 years later. Making money in the software products business requires domain expertise and a commitment to solving problems within that domain. Great tech companies are seldom built by non-technical management or professional managers who aren't committed to anything more than their paycheck. Adobe is another good example. The two founders were PhD computer science researchers from Xerox PARC who were passionate about solving problems in the publishing and graphics world. They are still guiding operations at Adobe.

Note that this is a principle that Old Economy companies have long understood. Jack Welch joined GE in 1961 and became CEO 20 years later. Sometimes an Old Economy company may pull in a few outsiders to senior positions but, because they have such stable bureaucracies underneath, they can more easily afford this than startups.

See Charles Ferguson's High Stakes, No Prisoners (1999) for a longer explanation of how hired-gun CEOs manage to kill software products companies.
Lesson 6: Focus on Profit

"At Hewlett-Packard, people, materials, facilities, money, and time are the resources available to us for conducting our business. By applying our skills, we turn these resources into useful products and services. If we do a good job, customers pay us more for our products than the sum of our costs in producing and distributing them. This difference, our profit, represents the value we add to the resources we utilize."
-- David Packard in The HP Way

Remembering to make a profit was tough in the dotcom 1990s but it turns out that Hewlett and Packard's ideas were right. Most of the management teams at dotcom businesses, by being disorganized, unintelligent, and ignorant, were subtracting value from the resources that they controlled.

How does one make money in the software products business? Simple. The necessary step is to build something that becomes part of information systems that generate value for organizations and end-users. Once you've created value you can extract a portion in lots of ways. You can be closed-source and charge a license fee. You can be open-source and charge for training, service, support, and extensions. But if you aren't getting your software product into important information systems, you don't have a prayer, no matter how slick your marketing materials.

If you're creative and diligent the software products business is extremely lucrative. If you're losing money, ask yourself what you're doing wrong. The answer is probably "plenty".
Lesson 7: Let the Venture Capitalists Schmooze Wall Street ...
... but don't let them run your company. A profitable Microsoft Corporation brought in venture capitalists (VCs) at the last minute. They didn't need or spend the money but used the VCs to boost their valuation at the initial public offering, thus getting more money for the shares that they sold. Venture capitalists are dangerous because even the most successful might not know anything about business. Remember that there are tens of thousands of venture capitalists in this world. Assuming that they make random choices of companies in which to invest there will be a Gaussian curve of performance. Some firms will do consistently better than average even if everyone is guessing. Imagine that thousands of monkeys are flipping coins; some of the monkeys will get 10 heads in a row. These are the monkeys that will be celebrated for their insight. These are the monkeys whose track records will lead to uncritical cheerleading by underwriters and public investors. In bull markets such as we had in the 1990s nearly all the monkeys will be fairly consistent winners. But remember your next-door neighbor who made money in the stock market in 1985. He convinced himself that he had special insight and ability when actually he was only holding high-beta stocks in a rising market. So his foray into the commodities futures market wiped him out in the crash of '87.

Bottom line: successful software products companies spend most of their time listening to their customers and users rather than to venture capitalists.

[See "Money, Money, Money (and Investing)" for how the Gaussian curve works for mutual fund managers and also read Princeton Professor Burton Malkiel's A Random Walk Down Wall Street.]
Lesson 8: Self-Esteem is Not Job 1
Gentility, politesse, decorum, and high self-esteem are wonderful. You can achieve all of these things within your organization. And then watch it be destroyed by competitors where frank and, if necessary, harsh criticism is encouraged. Technical people, even (and especially) those fresh out of school are always convinced that whatever they've developed, no matter how hare-brained, is perfect. It takes a technical person with good judgement to notice the flaws and it may require repeated and increasingly harsh delivery for the, uh, pinhead to realize his or her mistake.

Example: I once encountered a group of 6 people who called themselves "engineers." To solve what they thought was a new problem, they were going to build their own little database management system with their own query language that was SQL-like without being SQL. I pointed them to some published research by a gang of PhD computer scientists from IBM Almaden, the same lab that developed the RDBMS and SQL to begin with in the 1970s. The research had been done over a five-year period and yet they hadn't become aware of it during several months of planning. I pointed them to the SQL-99 standard wherein this IBM research approach of augmenting a standard RDBMS to solve the problem they were attacking was becoming an ISO standard. They ignored it and spent another few months trying to build their enormously complex architecture. Exasperated, I got a kid fresh out of school to code up some Java stored procedures to run inside Oracle. After a week he had his system working and ready for open-source release, something that the team of 6 "engineers" hadn't been able to accomplish in 6 months of full-time work. Yet they never accepted that they were going about things in the wrong way though eventually they did give up on the project.

An 1994 New Yorker article about Microsoft relates "If he strongly disagrees with what you're saying, [Gates] is in the habit of blurting out, 'That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard!'". Jennifer New, a former Microsoft contractor, writes "Meetings with Bill or one of his top people are often replete with a barrage of expletives and other disdainful comments." (Salon, September 1997) My friends who work or have worked at Microsoft tell similar tales. But how different is this from other elite organizations?

When I arrived at MIT as a first-year graduate student in electrical engineering and computer science, I asked a professor for help with a research problem. He said "The reason that you've having trouble is that you don't know anything and you're not working very hard." A friend of mine was a surgery resident at Johns Hopkins. He complained to one of his teachers that he was having trouble concentrating because he'd been up all night for several nights in a row. The professor replied "Oh... does your pussy hurt?" According to Business Week, Jack Welch "encouraged near-brutal candor in the meetings he held [at GE]".

The bottom line: self-esteem is great but beware of creating a cozy home for unproductive people with bad ideas.

December 07, 2009

What's AdSense?

What's AdSense?

Google AdSense is the program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website—with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.

AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your site and your site content. And when you add a Google search box to your site, AdSense delivers relevant text ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors’ search request.

How do I put AdSense on my blog (using a classic template)?

How do I put AdSense on my blog (using a classic template)?
The Quick Answer

* Go to the Template | AdSense tab and sign up for AdSense, if necessary.
* Select the size and color of your ads.
* You'll see a preview of your blog as you make changes.

Note: This article assumes you are using a classic template. On a Layouts-enabled blog, just add a new page element and select the AdSense option.

Adding AdSense to your blog is easy. Go to the Template tab in Blogger and you'll see an "AdSense ads" tab below it:

If you don't have an AdSense account already, you can sign up for it right here within Blogger. Just enter a valid email address, choose a password, fill in some contact information (so you can get paid!) and then Blogger will register your account for you right away. If you do have an account already, just use the "sign in" link instead.

Once you've completed the sign-up form, or logged in to an existing account, you'll see a special preview version of your template, showing your blog as it will look with your new ads:

Using the menus above the preview, you can easily change the size, shape, and color of your ads, without ever needing to edit the code directly. The color menu has some preset color schemes, but also some flexible options that try to match, contrast, or blend with whatever template you happen to be using. Try them all out and see which setting works best.

Once you've decided how you'd like it to look, just save the changes and republish your blog. Then go check your email.

While you were deciding on layouts and colors, you probably received a confirmation email from AdSense. Find that email and click on the link it gives you to confirm your email address. Be sure to read the rest of the confirmation email as well, since it will contain other information on finishing the registration and approval process. Until your email address is confirmed and your AdSense application is approved, your ads will only show public service announcements (PSAs) rather than targeted ads. Since you don't get revenue from PSAs, you'll want to be sure to do this soon, so the AdSense bot can crawl your site and determine appropriate ads to show.

And now you're done! Congratulations -- you've got AdSense!


* There may be a bit of a delay before the AdSense bot gets to your site and you start getting targeted ads, though that should happen within 48 hours. Just be patient and it will get there in time.
* This feature does not currently provide a way of moving the ads, though the default location used is one that tends to provide the best results. If you would like to move it elsewhere, such as to your sidebar, you will need to edit your template code directly. See How to put AdSense in your blog's sidebar for more details.
* You can see how well your ads are doing by checking the 'Reports' tab on the AdSense website to look at your Ad performance. Keep in mind that reports appear an hour or so after a change has been made (and may sometimes be delayed up to 24 hours).
* To change your payment information, or other account details after you've signed up you'll need to go to the main AdSense site and log in to your account there.

How do I put AdSense on my blog (using Layouts)?

How do I put AdSense on my blog (using Layouts)?

First of all, choose the blog that you want to put AdSense on, and go to the Layout | Monetize tab. You can get there by clicking the Layout link on the dashboard, or clicking the Template tab from the posting or settings page of the blog.

Once you're there, choose one of the three options to display your ads: in your sidebar and posts, just in your sidebar, or just below your posts.

The next page asks you to either sign up for a new AdSense account or use an existing one. Once you've signed in or created or account, you'll get a confirmation screen. If for any reason you need to switch to using a different AdSense account, click the switch AdSense accounts link on this page.

About AdSense for Your Blog

About AdSense for Your Blog

Easy AdSense for Your Blog

Blogger provides a simple way for you to make money with your blog. AdSense is Google's content-targeted advertising program. This means that you don't select keywords or categories for your ads. Instead, Google's servers determine what your posts are about and display the most relevant ads to your readers. So, if you blog about baseball, there might be ads for Major League Baseball memorabilia next to your post. If you blog about painting, there might be ads for art supplies.

Blogger requests access to your AdSense account in order to allow us to create and place ad code on your page through our layouts and template tools. As part of this process, you may notice that Blogger is receiving "0%" of your AdSense earnings - this means that you will receive the same amount for clicks or impressions as you would creating the ad code from your AdSense account. To view any partners that have requested access to your AdSense account, and their associated revenue shares, please log in to your AdSense account, click the "My Account" tab, and choose the "Account Access" sub-tab. If you see a "grant access" link next to, you must click this link in order to create ads with Blogger tools.
Putting AdSense on Your Blog

This integration between AdSense and Blogger is intended to make it easier for you to get up and running with AdSense on your blog. To place AdSense on your blog quickly and easily, see our help articles here:

* How do I put AdSense on my blog (using Layouts)?
* How do I put AdSense on my blog (using a classic template)?

To take full advantage of other AdSense options and settings, you can sign in to the AdSense site and have a look around. That's where you can see how much money your ads are earning and all that good stuff.

See Also: What Is AdSense?

How to Get a Free Laptop Through the Internet

How to Get a Free Laptop Through the Internet
By Jason Main
A laptop is probably one of the gadgets that anybody would love to have. With everything that one could do through a laptop is it not surprising to find many men and women squirming with excitement to have a laptop. However, it is not easy to own one. Laptops come in very expensive prices that not everybody could afford to have. Anyone who wants to buy a laptop has really to save or work harder to be able to purchase one. But what if you can have a laptop for free, what would you do? Well there is actually no need to ask this question because you would surely get that laptop if it is being given for free. But a free laptop, doesn’t that sound ridiculous? Who would give a free laptop in these days when everything has to be worked hard for? The answer is no it is not ridiculous and yes, there are companies these days that are willing to give away free laptops as their promotion freebies.

You can visit sites in the internet to get a free laptop. Many sites offer free laptops in exchange of something from you. Well for one, there are companies who would ask you to subscribe to their services or products before you can have that free laptop. There is no need to worry however because the subscription fee would not take half of the price that you will be paying if you are going to purchase that laptop. There are even companies who would give that laptop if you sign up to their free laptop programs. There are still others who would give free laptops for something else. So if you want to have one, you can simply browse on the internet for these free laptops, sign up, subscribe, and learn what you have to do to have the laptop you’ve been dreaming of.

In order to get rid of scams however, remember to properly follow the following guidelines.

• First you have to check the validity of the company’s profile. Look for scam databases in order to find out if it is a scam or not.

• Read the terms and conditions written before you sign up. Make sure you understand and agree with everything that is written there.

• Ask about the other details of the program or promotion. Ask about subscription sign up procedures and fees.

• Ask about the shipping fees.

There are top sites that are known to really give away free laptops. Learn about them by browsing through the internet. These sites were recommended by people who have received free laptops through these sites’ programs and promotions. So search and you will find!

All the freebie offer sites are different so you can actually participate in more than one offer if you like. More free offers you sign up with, more you get. Since there is no cost associated signing up with these free offers, you can sign up with as many as you want. For privacy reason, you can use your alternate gmail, hotmail, yahoo mail or other free hosted emails to sign up with these offers.

About The Author:
For more information on Free Laptops, visit

How do I add Reactions to my blog?

How do I add Reactions to my blog

Adding Reactions is done through the settings page of the Blog Post widget. From the Layout | Page Elements tab, simply click the 'Edit' link under the Blog Post widget and a settings window will pop up.

The Configure Blog Post window will display a handful of options, and the Reactions feature is near the bottom of the list:

To turn on Reactions just select the checkbox, and then you will be able to customize the feature by adding words of your choosing. Finally, you can choose the exact location of Reactions by dragging the widget at the bottom of the Configure Blog Post page:

Getting the Best Deal on Computer Printer Ink Cartridges

Getting the Best Deal on Computer Printer Ink Cartridges
By Jeffrey Richard
I don’t do a lot of printing, but every time I really need to print something, the computer printer ink cartridges seem to go bad. It’s usually late at night or when I am trying to run out the door that this happens. It’s amazing how frustrating a simple little thing like a computer printer ink cartridge can be.

What is even more frustrating is when I go to replace the cartridge. Usually as I walk down the aisle to the cartridges, I walk by the latest and greatest electronics, including the printers. They seem to be getting cheaper every day. Well as I move along to the computer printer ink cartridges, determined to be smart and buy a couple this time, I am shocked at the cost of the ink cartridges! Some of them are almost as much as a new printer. So, there has to be a better way.

I think getting a good deal on computer printer ink cartridges starts with the purchase of the printer itself. First off, make sure the printer you are looking at has a separate black cartridge. I think most of them do, but I remember a plain paper fax machine that I had that had once cartridge with color and black. Needless to say, the cartridges were not cheap. Ask around including the guys at the big box store you are buying from, they should now.

Some printers seem to just sip the ink. I just had to get rid of my HP1350 all in one. I was sad to see it go. It worked flawlessly for years and the black cartridge would last forever. I don’t do any color printing so when the color ink ran out, I never replaced it. Sadly the printer finally broke, but guess what, I bought another HP and it is just as frugal with the ink. So check around, and see what brand is easier on the ink.

You can also save money on the computer printer ink cartridges by purchasing multi packs of ink, so see if the printer you are considering has cartridges available in multi packs. I have tried generic computer printer ink cartridges, but I felt the quality was a little off but I know others that are very happy with them. Some are refilling their own cartridges, and from what I have seen, it is very cost affective, but I can’t vouch for it. Shopping online can also save you a few dollars here and there.

Now, I know some who would just buy a new printer rather than replace the cartridges. And at first glance, this may seem to be a smart way to go. However, I have had more than one salesman at the big buy stores tell me that the cartridges included with a new printer don’t have as much ink as replacement cartridges. I am not sure if that is true, I tend to believe it as my first cartridge on my new printer didn’t seem to last that long. Consider to the thought of being green and not tossing everything out just to make our lives a littler easier. Just a side note, I sold my broken HP1350 printer on eBay and made a few bucks all though not enough to buy a single new cartridge.

So, when you are shopping for computer printer ink cartridges, think first about your printer, then check out some of the other options available for cartridge replacements. And one other thing, buy two! You will thank me later.

About The Author:
Find out more on how to save money on computer printer ink cartridges here.

Do You Think You Can Become An Ebook Writer?

Do You Think You Can Become An Ebook Writer?
By Roberto Sedycias
Becoming an ebook writer can be an enjoyable task. Learn all about the nuances of writing an ebook and enjoy the experience.
If you get personal with any kid nowadays, you will realize that reading books is on a steady decline. They prefer to sit in front of a computer, lapping up all the information about anything in this world. A Harry Potter book will most probably be more read on the net than in actual paperback. This very fact brings the importance of ebooks to the fore. Writing an ebook may not be everyone`s cup of tea. But if you make a serious effort, chances are that you will succeed in this business. And yes, ebook writing is a very serious and lucrative business. You only need to learn the ropes of this profession.

Almost everyone today has a blog of his own. He fills up this space with blogs about anything which might interest him. In fact, it is widely accepted that there is a writer hidden inside most of us. We only need to give it some kind of inspiration. The net is full of would-be writers, some of whom are naturally gifted to deliver the most exciting ebooks. Writing an ebook is not exactly a tough job. Once you get going on the path, opportunities will come by and you will be a famous writer. You only need the originality and the sincerity to become a writer.

Advantages of writing an ebook:

For the writer - Publishing a book can be a great headache today. You need to convince publishers to read your manuscript and publish it. There may be many issues like deciding the cover page, the font, the presentation and many more things associated with publishing of a book. But if you write an ebook, you don`t have any of these worries. You are the sole owner of your ideas and you may write whatever you want to. At the same time, if your e-book becomes famous, it can turn out to be a very profitable venture for you.

For the reader - You don`t have to go to a library or a store to get hold of your book. An e-book can be accessed from anywhere. Once you have accessed it, you can store it for reading it later. You might even delete it after reading the book. It will not take up precious space on your book rack. You can even choose to browse through the e-book instead of reading it completely. This will save you vital time. The net also allows pages to be hyperlinked so that you can go to the very page you want. The search option will also get you the specific pages required.

For the environment - As you know, paper mainly comes from wood. This indirectly leads to deforestation. Although many new sources of paper are being invented today, but wood still remains the main source. So if you write an ebook, you are contributing to conserving the environment. You are responsible for the less cutting of trees and a healthier planet.

The natural way to become an e-book writer:

Money and popularity are the two main reasons for becoming a full time e-book writer. Money will come eventually but popularity comes out of hard work and sometimes sheer luck. The most important thing you should do in order to be a successful e-book writer is to conduct a lot of research. A serious study of the subject you want to write about will fetch you good readership. You must try to write on subjects which are not much written on but which have the potential to attract a lot of readers. In this way you will avoid competition and yet earn a lot of revenue. The passion within you should spill on to the e-book. You will soon be having a best seller on hand.

You can have access to articles about ebooks in portuguese language from page Ebooks

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Google Adsense Tips and Tricks...

Google Adsense Tips and Tricks...
By Pat Watt
Every single website and its owner have the

opportunity to make some great money by

displaying Google Adsense ads on it. Although

many webmasters are making a nice income with

these ads, many aren't.

Every single website and its owner have the opportunity to make some great

money by displaying Google Adsense ads on it. Although many webmasters are

making a nice income with these ads, many aren't.

Many people say that all you have to do is put up a website and you'll be

making over $100 a day with Google Adsense. It does sound simple and it is,

but you will need to optimize your site so that you do generate more and more

clicks on the ads that are sitting on your site.

The first thing that you need to do is to Place the Google Adsense ads in the

right spot of the page. This will determine how much money you will make each

day. It is very important that you place the ad at the top of the page (above

the fold) on your website in order to get the most clicks. What this really

means is that you will want to place the Adsense code that Google gives you

high enough on the page so that your visitors do not have to scroll down to

see the Google ads.

If you choose to have the ads right at the top above everything else then do

that. By placing the Google Adsense ads at the top of your website above the

fold, there is a greater chance that people will click on the ad, which will

help your site generate a higher click through rate also known as CTR. The

reason for this is because the majority of your visitors will not scroll down

the page and look at it.

A lot of the time, people look over the top part of the page without worrying

about scrolling down. The way you blend the ads with the rest of your page

can determine if the ad is visually appealing or not. It is very crucial to

make the Google Adsense ads look like your site and not another ad. You can

do this by making the font and color of the ad's text similar to the rest of

the page. I also recommend that you blend the background of the ad with the

background of your page. It should basically have the same color.

Google gives you the option to go into your account and customize your ads in

different fonts and colors. This will help you blend the ads to your site.

Make sure that you don't use the banner ads on your site because this will

decrease your click through rate.

People who visit your website usually try to avoid any banner and picture ads

that they see. If you want to increase your click through rate, you will want

to add text ads. Google gives you that option so use it.

Here are some other small tips to increase your Adsense income:
1. Google has confirmed that using the 336x280 rectangle ad block size does

have the highest click through rate. Using this ad size will increase your

click through rate and the income that you generate.

2. Using a blue underline for the links can also improve your click through

rate. This allows the ads to actually stand out and look clickable.
If you follow the advice given above, you can improve your CTR and make more

money with Google Adsense.

Pat Watt is the owner of

. Her sites are

geared for people who are looking for a

legitimate and honest work at home opportunity

and/or an online business.

Easy Weight Loss Tips For All Ages

Easy Weight Loss Tips For All Ages
By Steven Magill | On December 4, 2009
Before getting to the part of easy weight loss tips, one has to have a perspective on why people lose and gain weight. There are 4 prime reasons for this: nutrition, lifestyle, age and genetic disposition.

Nutrition is of course the things we put in our bodies to give us energy and more essentially to keep us alive. There are certain food types that give us quick energy boosters and others store energy for us. There are natural elements when taken that can aid our digestive and metabolism albeit to this, the preparation of food likewise affects our weight. We all know the positive effects of carbohydrates and protein but we are now beginning to learn and understand the effects of certain herbs to our bodies. Simple things like lime and citrus aid to the digestive tract by quickly breaking down meats and proteins. Green Tea has the effect of giving us extra energy, enhancing our metabolism. Fruits like apples and papayas do help through its laxative and purgative effects, cleansing our system of unwanted toxins and the like. Knowing what to eat and drink, and how to eat and drink is one easy weight loss tips.

Our lifestyles most certainly affect our weight loss and gain. Alcohol in excess is detrimental to our health if taken in excess since it overworks the liver. The highs one gets from drinking alcohol can easily be substituted either through dietary supplements of exercise. Sleeping well is another important aspect to our lifestyle. Getting the right amount of sleep helps balance our system and efficiently tells our brain on how much energy to use and the like. The lack of sleep stresses our mind and in effect, stresses our body as signals from our brain to our muscles and limbs may be over or underdone. Ever feel sluggish with the lack of sleep, that’s because our brain isn’t providing enough stimulation for our body to produce the right amount of energy to our muscles. Muscles also need recovery time as well. Get healthier is another easy weight loss tips.

Age is a factor in gaining or losing weight. As we get older, it gets harder for us to lose weight. That’s because our bodies don’t need to produce a lot of energy as compared to children. Ever notice how energetic kids are and they never seem to tire, and the amount of food they can eat is easily converted into energy. When we get older, that turbo like metabolism quality has died down for most of us. We don’t need as much energy as adults but if our appetites are the same like when we were younger, there is a possibility that we gain extra weight as well. Knowing this factor, then we may be able to adjust our eating habits that is more consistent with our age group.

Our genetic disposition is something that we may have less control over, but we still have some degree of control. Some people are able to convert energy faster than others. Knowing that you have a disposition to be overweight enables you to take the necessary supplements, be it natural or combined, to help counter such conditions. The right combination of herbs and vitamins are key to this. But consult your doctor first and one should have a baseline of tests to find out one’s genetic disposition.

About The Author:
Looking for the Easy weight loss tips that fits your lifestyle? Weight loss can be a tiring process but there are easy weight loss tips that one can use for faster weight loss

Find Out How You Can Learn to Sing

Find Out How You Can Learn to Sing
By Sarah Walther
Many people ask the question, “Is it possible to learn to sing?” And the answer to this is a sounding yes. As long as you are interested in singing you can definitely learn how to sing, but there are some difficulties and obstacles that most music students encounter when trying to improve their singing abilities. All long the way, i will discuss to you some recommended tips and courses to get you started with singing immediately.

When you asked the question if you can learn to sing, you might have been intimidated and not confident with your own voice. This is a common thing in the beginning. It is very important that you realize you have a natural voice not like anyone else and it is very possible for you to learn to sing.

Do you think all singers are good? To be honest, no! But some of these not so good singers were not afraid to use their own natural voice. And the rest is history. Some of them now are world renowned singers in their own way. It is possible to learn singing and get better at pitch, singing from the diaphragm, and more. All these things are crucial to remember about singing. Just use your own tone and your natural voice. If you are doing these things, the rest will come a lot easier.

Just like anything else in life, you need to have a little consistency when learning to hear as a singer. This takes a lot of practice. Once you recognize pitch a lot better, you will start losing your tone deafness and you can sing with a wide range to different types of music there is.

You can see that just like any other people, you have the ability to improve singing even when you’re starting from scratch. Just like famous singers in the music industry, you can also start improving dramatically with a little singing guidance from experts.

Start learning to sing

Start speaking and singing through your diaphragm. You might wonder what this is. Diaphragm is located down there your stomach. You probably have been breathing, speaking and singing from your upper lungs your entire life, which is definitely not right. Just like babies, we speak, breathe and sing from our diaphragm. Watch your stomach expand every time you inhale and you will really know that you are breathing from down in the diaphragm.

Once you have your diaphragm filled with air, start speaking and singing and you will know the difference. You are now singing from the diaphragm and you can hold notes much longer and with a lot more accurate pitch. You can also start listening more carefully to pitch.

You can pinpoint your pitch when your ear gets better, and you can sing in key with the music. This takes a lot of practice and in time you will definitely learn to sing better. The good thing here is that you do not need to hire professional voice coach, all you have to do is practice through the tips mentioned earlier.

About The Author:
Click for more information on proper breathing at

Learn to Sing Rock Music

Learn to Sing Rock Music
By Sarah Walther
Have you ever wondered if you can learn to sing rock music? Have you ever dream of spandex and adoring fans? Are you a trained singer? And do you need some vocal lesson to go with your guitar? Whatever your issue may be, yes, you can learn to sing any rock music of your choice.

It is not a very uncommon question. With the volume of garbage that is on the radio these days, many people find themselves wondering if in the future they can be a singer. In fact, it is a very popular question that the entire music industry is begging to answer that question for you.

There are a lot of options available for you. One option is, you can go out buy music books, compact discs, and digital video discs. There is also a plethora of instructional materials that will help you guide finding and perfecting your voice. You can also hire a professional voice coach. You can check bulletin boards like the Guitar Center for private music tutors. Find records that you really admire, turn the music up and sing along.

Choose from a singing course or a good voice coach

Whatever method you choose, you can learn to sing rock music. The beautiful thing about rock music is that it has more to do with attitude than anything else. If you think of the famous rock singers, a beautiful voice probably does not come to mind. You think of their attitude, or what we call the charisma. The problem is that, it is hard to build this attitude and confidence if in the first place you are unsure of your voice. You have to be confident about your voice and with yourself.

If you are going to learn to sing rock music, emotion is very important, you have to feel the lyrics of the song, what the song is all about and what the composer is trying to tell about it. One of the most important things in singing rock music is the attitude and the emotion.

Buying some instructional materials or hiring professional vocal teacher can help you learn the basics of singing, and at the same time it helps build your confidence. Singing in front of many people requires a lot of confidence. You also need a lot patience and hard work in learning rock music. Constant practice is the key to learning fast. Every time you get a chance, practice and master the notes and pitch of the songs that you like. Perform with your friends so that you will have them to tell you about your mistakes and flaws. Successful rock singers are working hard to practice and master the songs that they will perform. Actually in rock music, you do not need to have a really nice voice, by constant practice and mastery of your craft you will succeed just like any other rock singers. You just have to remember the basics, practice, concentrate and you got to have the right attitude.

About The Author:
Learn how to sing rock music at

How one blog comment can bring you 230+ unique visitors by Marko Saric

How one blog comment can bring you 230+ unique visitors

There are great possibilities for driving good numbers of traffic to your blog by commenting on high-profile blogs. This article will explain how I got 230+ unique visitors from one comment in less than a week.

On December 26th I posted a comment on ZenHabits which is one of the biggest productivity blogs with over 79,000 RSS subscribers. The article I commented on was How to Press the Reset Button On Your Life. This one comment brought me 239 unique visitors in less than 6 days after it was written.

These 239 visitors were 11% of my total blog traffic in those 6 days. Average time on site from these visitors was 02:57 which was 8% better then the average total time spent on my blog. Visitors viewed 2.35 pages per visit (11% better than total average), and bounce rate was 61% (8% less than the total average).

What to be aware of when blog commenting

There are some things you must keep in mind to optimize your comment ability to drive great number of traffic to your blog.

Optimize exposure for most clicks

  • To drive traffic you must comment on a high-profile blog that normally has lots of readers / RSS subscribers / commenters.
  • You must comment on the latest post as soon as possible after it is published. If you do that you will expose your comment to thousands of people who are going to read the post
  • You must be an early commentator. The earlier you are, more exposure you are going to get. Not many people are going to read 50 comments from the same blog post. Aim to be in top 5 comments or so.

Provide value to grab attention

  • Don’t just comment for the sake of it. Only write a comment if you like the post and if you have something relevant and interesting to say.
  • Write a quality comment that creates value and grabs the attention of readers. Add something substantial to your comment. Add your thoughts about the post, provide additional information from your personal experience or from a post you have on your blog.

Brand your comments for long-term benefits

  • Brand your comment by using same name, same avatar, same URL and same signature. This should be consistent with your social media profiles. Consistent marketing will build relationships to your blog. When people continue seeing your name repeated in comments sections of blogs and your comments are useful and interesting, it will make them wonder who the person writing is and will get them to click over to your blog.

Now imagine if you do this consistently, and on several high-profile blogs at the same time. It could bring serious amount of traffic to your blog. At the moment it is mine 4th biggest traffic referral after StumbleUpon, direct traffic and Twitter. I would definitely recommend it for you to try as well.

How Offshore Software Development Works? By Shawn Frankk

Offshore Software Development is a provision of software development services by an external supplier positioned in a country that is geographically remote from the client enterprise; a type of offshore outsourcing. The main reason behind the companies to use offshore software development services is the higher development cost of the local service providers. The global software R&D services market as contrasted to ITO and BPO is rather young and currently is at early stages of its development, but India is leading the world in this field.

Software development, including stand-alone applications, network applications and web-based sites and business applications can now be done easily and inexpensively offshore. Here we focus on the background behind outsourcing and offshore software development, and why you may wish to consider offshore software development for your future projects.

Offshore Software Development is not new. Companies throughout North America have been using developers in Israel and India for over 20 years with excellent results and high ROI. Although you may not hear much about it - many of products developed and marketed by some leading American companies are, in reality, developed abroad, or developed by foreign workers employed locally.

True offshore software development is done either entirely or very nearly entirely offshore. Contact with clients is conducted almost entirely through electronic communications. In very rare cases short visits or exchanges of personnel take place - and if so, only for very short periods of time. The 'real' software development work is done entirely offshore over the course of weeks or months. In very rare situations, it may be necessary and/or desirable to have an offshore worker placed in your workplace for a short period. This is a very rare instance and generally only necessary if you have a product or service upon which the developer must be trained before being able to participate and be productive on your project.

Benefits of Offshore Software Development:

Virtually every client has slightly different needs and expectations about how Offshore Software Development can benefit them. Some of them have been broken down into these main categories:
• Cost reduction
• Time to market
• Experienced team members
• Skills and development
• Access to the latest, hard-to-find skills

Shawn Frankk is the author of this article. He has been writing articles on Offshore Software Development since last three years. He is also involved in providing the regular updates to the consumer about software product development.

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